August 10, 2010

Modern Lifestyle

Lifestyle described the "whole person" who interact with their environment (in sakinah Kottler, 2002). According Susanto (in Nugrahani, 2003) life-style is a combination of self-expression needs and expectations of the group against a person in the act based on prevailing norms. Therefore many kinds of lifestyles are known to develop in society today such as hedonic lifestyle, life style metropolis, a global lifestyle and others.

Plummer (1983) lifestyle is a way of life in individuals who are identified by how people spend their time (activities), what they consider important in life (interests) and what they think about the world around them. Adler (in Hall & Lindzey, 1985) suggests that lifestyle is the most influential on attitudes and behavior of people in relation to three main things in life ie work, friendship, and love while Sarwono (1989) states that one of the factors that influence lifestyle is the concept of self.

Hawkins (in Nugroho, 2002) which says that the pattern of life associated with money and time carried out by someone associated with the decision. People who already take a decision next step is action.

People who have already made the decision to seek pleasure from money held as a real activity for shopping at the mall or supermarket, of course, to give added value from the shop in regular stores. The use of time with a lifestyle of individual creativity in utilizing the time available for activities that are useful or fun events.

According to the SRI International (1989), one example is the VALS psychographic segmentation 2. In the second VALS (Values and Life Style), there are two dimensions that is the weight, namely self orientation and resources. Resources which are intended not merely material, but in the broad sense that includes the means and capacities of psychological, physical, and demographics. In consumer behavior driven by self-orientation "principle, there are three categories, namely, the status and action.

Self-orientation, which is based on principle, means that the decision to buy based on his belief. so the decision to buy not just because of me-too or just to chase prestige. This type may be regarded as more rational, while anchored to the status, the decision to consume is dominated by what anyone says. Branded products to be chosen. For those relying on the action, the decision to consume based on the desire for social and physical activity, get a break or face the risk.

Based on the above description can be concluded that lifestyle is the lifestyle of a person in the world in expressing the activity, interest, opinion and self-dimensional orientation lifestyle includes three categories: principles, status, action.

Lifestyle Forms
According to Chaney (in Idi Subandy, 1997) have some form of lifestyle, among others:
a. Lifestyle Industry
In the century lifestyle, appearance of self-experience that just estetisisasi, "estetisisasi everyday life" and even the body / self (body / self) also experienced a estetisisasi body. Body / self and everyday life becomes a project, seed seeding lifestyle. "You're stylish, then you have!" Is a phrase that might be suitable to describe the style of modern human fondness. That's why lifestyle industry for most of the industrial looks.
b. Lifestyle Advertising
In modern society, many companies (corporations), politicians, individuals all obsessed with image. In the current era of globalization of information like this, which plays a major role in shaping the culture of the image (image culture) and cultural taste ("taste culture) is an advertising assault that offers a visual style that is sometimes breathtaking and intoxicating. Lifestyles represented ad by subtly inculcate (Subtle) the importance of self-image to appear in public. Ads are also slowly but surely affect the taste choices we make.
c. Public Relations and journalism Lifestyle
Thought the latest in the world of promotion to the conclusion that the culture-based celebrity (celebrity-based culture), the celebrities helping in the formation of the identity of contemporary consumers. In a consumer culture, identity becomes a backrest "fashion accessory." Faces a new generation of children known as the E-Generation, to be like this now considered to be formed through a celebrity-inspired identity (celebrity-inspired identity), their way of surfing in cyberspace (the Internet), how they mutually fashion to street- road. This means that the celebrity and their image is used the moment to moment to help consumers in the identity parade.

d. Independent Lifestyle
Independence is being able to live without relying absolutely on to something else. For that needed the ability to recognize the advantages and disadvantages of self, as well as the advantages and disadvantages berstrategi to reach its destination. Reason is a tool to strategize. Responsible for the conscious intention to make changes and understand betuk any risk that will happen and be ready to bear the risk and the discipline will form an independent lifestyle. With an independent lifestyle, the culture of consumerism is no longer imprison people. Humans will be free and independent country for its choice in a responsible manner, and generate creative innovations to support autonomy.
e. Lifestyle hedonists
Hedonist lifestyle is a life pattern of activity to seek pleasure of life, like spending more time outside the home, more playing, happy in the city, happy to buy expensive goods are his favorite, and always wanted to be the center of attention.
From the above description can be concluded that the shape of a lifestyle can be a life style of an appearance, via media advertisements, which in the modeling of the artist's idol, a lifestyle that only a mere pursuit of pleasure to an independent lifestyle that requires reasoning and responsibility in a pattern of behavior.

Factors Affecting Lifestyle
Armstrong's opinion (in Nugraheni, 2003) a person's life style can be seen from the behavior undertaken by individuals such as activities to obtain or use of goods and services, including decision-making process for the determination of these activities.
Furthermore, Armstrong (in Nugraheni, 2003) states that the factors that affect a person's life style there are two factors, such as originating from within the individual (internal) and factors originating from outside (external).

The internal factors include attitudes, experiences and observations, personality, self-concept, motives, and perception (Nugraheni, 2003) with the following explanation:
a.Sikap. Attitude means a state of soul and state of thought which is prepared to provide a response to an object which is organized through experience and directly influence on behavior. Mental state is highly influenced by the customs, traditions, culture and social environment.
b.Pengalaman and observations. Experiences can influence the behavior of social observation, the experience can be obtained from all actions in the past and can be learned, through studying people will be able to gain experience. Results from the social experience will be able to form a view of an object.
c.Kepribadian. Personality is the configuration of individual characteristics and ways of behaving that determine differences in the behavior of each individual.
d.Konsep themselves. Other factors that determine an individual's personality is the concept of self. The concept itself has become very widely known approach to describe the relationship between self-concept of consumers with brand image. How individuals view themselves will affect the interest of an object. The concept of self as the core of the personality will determine the pattern of individual behavior in dealing with life problems, because the concept itself is a frame of reference that became the beginning of behavior.
e. Motif. Behavior of individuals arise because of the motive needs to feel safe and the need for prestige is a few examples of the motif. If the motive of a person against the need for greater prestige that it will establish a lifestyle that tends to lead to a hedonistic lifestyle.
f. Perception. Perception is the process whereby a person chooses, regulate, and interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the world.

The external factors are described by Nugraheni (2003) as follows:
a. Reference group. Reference groups are groups that provide direct or indirect influence on attitudes and behavior. Groups that provide direct influence is the group where the individual is a member and interact with each other, while groups that provide indirect effect is the group where the individual does not become a member within the group. These influences will confront individuals on a specific behavior and lifestyle.
b. Family. Family plays a role in the formation of the largest and longest individu.Hal attitude and behavior pattern of care is because parents will form the habit of children which indirectly affect the pattern of his life.
c. Social class. Social class is a group of relatively homogeneous and durable in a society, which are arranged in a sequence of levels, and members in every level that has values, interests, and the same behavior. There are two main elements in the social system of class division in society, namely the position (status) and role. Social standing means a place someone in a social environment, the prestige of his rights and obligations. Social status and this can be achieved by someone with a business that deliberately or acquired by birth. The role is a dynamic aspect of the position. If individuals exercising their rights and obligations in accordance with the position he is running a role.
d. Culture. Culture which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, laws, customs, and habits acquired individuals as members of the public. Culture consists of everything that is learned from the patterns of normative behavior, including the characteristics of thinking, feeling and acting.

Based on the above description can be concluded that the factors that influence lifestyle comes from within (internal) and outside (external). Internal factors include the attitudes, experiences and observations, personality, self-concept, motives, and perception. The external factors include reference groups, family, social class, and culture.

1. Understanding Clubbing
Clubbing is a young man typical jargon term that means an evening of nuanced world of freedom, expressive, modern, technological, hedonistic, and metropolis konsumeristik promising all kinds of fun sasaat (Prime, 2004). Through clubbing especially young people feel to find the identity, where they can "pranced" sebebasnya, drank alcohol and drugs, giggling until morning, then come home drunk and tired. Through their clubbing can find bergaulnya community. In short clubbing is just having fun, just a rah-rah and requires a lot of money.

Clubbing is really identical with the life of the metropolitan community. Not only become part of the lifestyle, but also a means of socializing, even lobbying business. First clubbing is always associated with stomping music that can make people late in the atmosphere. Along the development of times, clubbing experience many shifts because not everyone likes such music. In essence uproar noisy atmosphere is no longer the main attraction. Many entertainment places in Jakarta, leaving the concept of discotheques and switch on the concept of restaurant and lounge that is more attractive consumers aged 25-35 years. Attendance Resto and lounges are scattered in Jakarta does not mean roll mat a few places that really are designed for the hobby take the floor with music of a DJ or Disc Jockey (

The number of night spots continues to grow. Market saturation make the bid should be different from the concept which has been operating. HL is one of the favorite places clubbers clubbing in Jakarta, on late-night clubbers, especially when discotime begins at 11 PM tenpat this is always crowded. The entertainment business is very smart to draw the attention of clubbers by providing diverse facilities that became a trend setter for the night among the society, for example by freeing the women cover charge fees and let them fully clubbing to the women who came booming and men will place the bait to come. In addition to providing free flow of vodka and champagne for ladies all night (to drink vodka and champgne for ladies all night), even more daring is to sell a program that smells sexy, sexual, which became the main focus ( .
Customs and traditions of the past completely displaced by the rapid growth of the world. With the advancement of knowledge and technology of industrialism. Western nations successfully merangsak eastern nations (especially the march of Islam) with which its products carrying the colors of the western culture which contrasted sharply with the nation east of morality and religiosity. For example with the fashion trend is showing off aurat, dentum music that stimulates the heart to God's negligence, pampering scene free sex lust demons to technological tools that require social solidarity. All products in bulk are in fact promoted a new form of neo-colonialism kolonisme. Ironically, most of us especially the clubbing is completely unaware of the threats of morality and dignity of the invasion, just to establish himself as the worshipers and slaves from the colonial capitalism which is in accordance with their ideology just having fun.
Based on the above explanation can be concluded that the clubbing is an activity to come and enjoy the atmosphere, menus with entertainment, food and drinks at night entertainment venues freedom of nuanced, expressive, modern, technological, hedonistic, and metropolis konsumeristik promising all kinds of excitement for a moment .

2. Performer Clubbing
The majority of the clubbers are young people who have socio-economic status is good enough. This is apparent from the material needs that sustain the clubbing activities that clearly require extra funds. Starting from the selection of branded clothing, property, vehicles, clubbing until the device itself (Perdana.2004).
Also according to Susanto (2001), the consumer or the perpetrators of clubbing is not just the young people who notabennya as school and university students, but young executives, successful entrepreneurs, and even housewives have also become the perpetrators of clubbing.
Based on the above explanation can be concluded that the perpetrators of clubbing that the majority come from the young generation, young executives, successful entrepreneurs and housewives who were also there to clubbing.

3. Factors Affecting Clubbing
The clubbers are logical in this context is the plagiarist who imported the raw lifestyle of the western world into their social lives. Among the clubbers, there are three narratives that are always underlying outlook and behavior, ie, slang, funcy, and happy all of which landed on a grand narratives (grand naration) ie gensi. Not clear who began asking and popularizing the term, here Prime (2004) in his book entitled "clubbing: expressions of love, sex, and identity" to explain the third form of narrative expression. These are all factors that influence the younger generation do clubbing. The factor-the factor is:
a. "Gaul", the term "slang" is derived from the raw word "hang" or "association" is a social system which is formed through interaction, communication and social contact that involves more than one person. But in the clubbing community, the term "slang" not again become the "media socialization" to complement the nature of humanity, but most of them have become "ground impingement lust." Most forms of "slang" is actually a gateway for generations of adherents of the birth of free sex, drug addicts, prostitutes and criminals to the social.
b. Funcy, funcy in axiological terms without debating epitemologisnya discourse, the term funcy always embedded in the term "slang". Purport funcy always dipertautkan with other forms of experimentation that without a clear foundation of the argument, simply look for sensations and emotions impingement uncontrolled soul. This can be seen from the results of their experimentation in terms of costumes, vehicles, physical and lifestyle.
c. Happy, happy term comes from the English language, which means happy, always happy. By "associate", to interact and mingle in communities of color "hang" her, young people feel to find the right identity with the tastes and soul of his youth than what is obtained from the family environment. They feel they find true happiness here is free to do anything, lots of friends, including her sexual libido free channel the surge. But the happiness they get is a false happiness.

Clubbing is one of today's lifestyle as a result of adoption of the western countries. Someone did clubbing there will most likely inspired the lives of celebrities, famous people, people who work in the field intertainmen in obtaining pleasure. Clubbing is seen by individuals as a modern lifestyle. Piliang (2006) states that the individual in following the modern lifestyle is influenced by internal factors and external factors.

Internal factors are factors coming from within the individual associated with the interest and encouragement for someone to perform the desired activities in accordance with the feelings of the heart. In addition, the individual doing the clubbing internal factors influenced attitudes. It is more likely related to the personality of the individual in determining whether a phenomenon encountered in life (Piliang, 2006).
Followed by Piliang (2006) that ektern factors outside the individual factors that may affect attitudes and behaviors of individuals in everyday life. These external factors are distinguished on family factors and social environmental factors. Factors are less harmonious family environment have an impact on family members to seek pleasure outside the house and clubbing is a choice for those seeking pleasure. The social environmental factors are social factors of individuals in everyday activities. Individuals who have no fixed nature of establishment will be easily influenced by social circumstances, where individuals perform daily living activities. If the social environment cenderunng in the life of clubbing, then there is most likely the individual is also entered in an environment that enjoys clubbing lifestyle.

Based on the above description can be concluded that the factors that influence young people to do the clubbing is internal and external factors. Arising from internal factors related to individual interests, motivations, and attitudes (for funcy and happy life). As for external factors originating from the family environment and social environment (associated with the interaction of individuals).

1 Respons:

six pack abs said...

The modern lifestyle – good or bad? Of course its both. But what is bad, what is the worst thing about our modern lifestyle? We are broke. I don't mean money. I mean the most important wealth of our society

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