Time passed so quickly through second by second without giving a little extension. Twenty-four hours was so quickly filled day - my day, accompanying every movement activities increasingly crowded. When the bustle came to greet the next 24 hours I feel it is very short. Busy with work activities, lectures, exams, doing a college assignment which progressively accumulate solid, and much else to do all of whom spent a lot of energy and time.
All people must have felt the same when it comes rushing to greet. Tired, tired, not even the rarely run out of enthusiasm. Here's what I'm feeling these days and for some time to come. Hmmm .... the spirit was sometimes missing at the time that I do not want and tired of this would ever come. But this should not be allowed to go on - late, I have tried to rise from this defeat, I must cultivate the spirit to face all this busyness.
My friend, if you have a myriad of spirit .... pour me a particle of that spirit that I was able to muster the energy to get through this fatigue. When the bustle came to say hello I'll deal with it ......
9 Respons:
Seseorang yang tidak mau letih di saat mampu, akan diapksa letih di saat yang sebenarnya ia tidak begitu mampu melakukannya.
Salam ukhuwah. Semangat!
hidup itu penuh dengan segala situasi dan kondisi dimana kita dihadapkan dengan berbagai problema dan keadaan yang harus kita lalui, tetep semangat berusaha menjalani segalanya...:)
Sukses Slalu
sibuk.. ayo semangat!
salam kenal ...makasih bacaannya,,,tukeran info blog yuk
hmmm... entah kenapa aku lebih suka punya kesibukan daripada nganggur gak jelas kayak sekarang,hehehe
ketika kesibukan menyapa, wuih dalem non :)
hadapi dengan senyuman kelak semua akan terlewatkan
dunia memang penuh dengan beragam aktivitas yg terkadang menghabiskan tenaga
Mencoba sedikit relaks dan memanfatkan waktu dengan tepat guna ditengah kesibukan
Semangat Semangat
Semangat membantu kita untuk kuat :D
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